My Girls

My Girls
They may look sweet and innocent...

Monday, January 30, 2012

So I've decided to blog...

Hi. I'm a mother of three girls. A step-daughter who will be 5 next Sunday and easily counts as at least 10 kids ( because she's a handful not enormous), a 3 year old and a 2 month old. I'm not certain what all this blog will consist of, but it'll be mommy related. Savannah, the 5 year old, is...a trouble maker. Her favorite past time is irritating Bailey, the three year old.  She can be really helpful, if she wants something. It's an extremely aggravating situation with her mother. Her mother's days are every other weekend and from Tuesday at 6 pm till Thursday at 6 pm. However, her mother has not seen her at all this month. Her mother not picking her up is nothing new, but it's getting worse. Savannah lashes out sometimes because she misses her mother. Though she also tries to use that as an excuse for things CLEARLY not related. 

ME: Savannah, why did you take this make-up from the bathroom and hide it under your bed?
SAVANNAH: 'Cause I miss my mommy.
ME: I don't think so, Savannah. You took it because you wanted it.

Bailey will probably be the subject of many blogs. Not because I play favorites, but simply because she is the nuttiest little kid who makes me laugh repeatedly through out the day. 

MY HUSBAND, BRANDON: (singing) Live and let die
BAILEY: (singing) Live and let!

Elise is... well, 2 months old. While she does definitely have her own personality already, only time will tell exactly what her personality will be. For now, she's just a pretty "good" baby. Sleeps WONDERFULLY for at least 8 hours a night, is friendly and inquisitive. She doesn't smile a whole lot yet, but when she does it's from ear to ear. She's just starting to tell me stories too. I think she makes most of it up.

So that's a short intro to my kiddos. My husband and I have been married almost three years. He's a great daddy and husband. He works full-time at a factory; I work full-time at MOMMY. 

Thank you for reading :)

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